badestelle-m%C3%A4rkische-h%C3%B6he-brandenburg beach



Märkische Höhe, Brandenburg, Germany

  • 🌟 BeachNearby Score: 30/100
  • ⚠️This beach's score is low because we don't have much data yet. Share what you know to help others :)
  • 📍 Location: Märkische Höhe, Brandenburg, Germany
  • 🔓 Public beach: ?
  • 💸 Free entry: ?
  • ⏳ Sandy: Yes
  • 🗣 Country's language: German
  • 💰 Country's currency: Euro (EUR €)
  • 🗳 Rated 17 times
  • 🌐 Last updated on: April 26, 2022

About Badestelle

Badestelle is a family-friendly, clean and safe sandy beach in Märkische Höhe. It has clear water. The water there is clear.

Safety and Access

There is parking space nearby.

Things to do on Badestelle

If you are seeking food and refreshment, there are some options.

The best time to visit Badestelle

🌴Good weather and less crowd:

June, July, August, September are the best months to visit Badestelle and other beaches in Märkische Höhe, because that's when the temperatures are warm and there's probably less crowd (not guaranteed).

☀️Hottest months:

June, July, August, September

❄️Coldest months:

January, February, November, December

⛈ Rainiest months:

May, June, July, August

Day Temperature6° C8° C13° C19° C23° C28° C28° C28° C23° C16° C10° C7° C
Night Temperature-2° C-1° C2° C6° C9° C13° C16° C16° C12° C8° C4° C0° C

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General info

  • 🌟 BeachNearby Score: 30/100
  • ⚠️This beach's score is low because we don't have much data yet. Share what you know to help others :)
  • 📍 Location: Märkische Höhe, Brandenburg, Germany
  • 🔓 Public beach: ?
  • 💸 Free entry: ?
  • ⏳ Sandy: Yes
  • 🗣 Country's language: German
  • 💰 Country's currency: Euro (EUR €)
  • 🗳 Rated 17 times
  • 🌐 Last updated on: April 26, 2022

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