
Kjul Strand

Also known as Kjul beach.


Hjørring Municipality, North Denmark Region, Denmark

  • 🌟 BeachNearby Score: 30/100
  • ⚠️This beach's score is low because we don't have much data yet. Share what you know to help others :)
  • 📍 Location: Hjørring Municipality, North Denmark Region, Denmark
  • 🔓 Public beach: ?
  • 💸 Free entry: ?
  • ⏳ Sandy: Yes
  • 📏 Beach length: 19.42km (huge)
  • 🗣 Country's language: Danish
  • 💰 Country's currency: Danish krone (DKK kr)
  • 🗳 Rated 2 times
  • 🌐 Last updated on: May 10, 2024

About Kjul Strand

Kjul Strand is a safe and big sandy beach in Hjørring Municipality. It's around 19.42km in length, which is huge. This beach is also known as Kjul beach.

Things to do on Kjul Strand

Kjul Strand offers a lot of space for sunbathing.

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General info

  • 🌟 BeachNearby Score: 30/100
  • ⚠️This beach's score is low because we don't have much data yet. Share what you know to help others :)
  • 📍 Location: Hjørring Municipality, North Denmark Region, Denmark
  • 🔓 Public beach: ?
  • 💸 Free entry: ?
  • ⏳ Sandy: Yes
  • 📏 Beach length: 19.42km (huge)
  • 🗣 Country's language: Danish
  • 💰 Country's currency: Danish krone (DKK kr)
  • 🗳 Rated 2 times
  • 🌐 Last updated on: May 10, 2024

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